Crime and Thriller are the most read genre across the globe, specially in western countries. Recently I came across a special Lit Fest focused only on Crime writing. Yes we are talking about Noir Literary Festival just concluded last weekend in New Delhi.
Crime against women is now being talked in India on various occasions and discussions on TV, a detailed literary work is done by our classic writers in their novels and essays but that writing doesn’t relate to readers in today’s world. The world has advanced and so do the problems of women, there is a need of more such writing should be published considering the most dangerous crimes against women happening everyday. Paromita Vohra and Urvashi Butalia talked about crime against women during the sessions.
Crime has changed it’s face over a period of time. More advanced weapons and technology is being used by the organized criminals to harm the human and disturb the normalcy in life. A writer having a zest of detailed study about crime, a mind with journalist techniques are writing real life crime stories and making people aware about the recent trends in crime.
Many such authors and journalists like Vibhuti Narain, Surender Mohan, Puja Changoiwala talked about writing true crime stories during the Noir Literature festival.
Legal crime and Detective crime are also few more popular categories where readers love to read more due to their engaging nature.
Matrubharti Self Publishing platform is wide open for Crime Fiction and Non Fiction stories, our over 1.2 Lac readers have already celebrated Fiction thrillers with many writers in regional languages.