There is an unbreakable connection between authors & readers. Whether reader like the writings of any particular writer or dislike it. Insights into writing and reading can be gained by examining relationships between them, with communication as the intent of both the writer & reader. At a common sense level, we understand that writer tries to express ideas & reader tries to receive as it is. Sometimes writer or reader, stuck in that same book for days and weeks and months and sometimes years.
Readers live inside the book & environment created by an author. Also, reader creates a space into writer’s mind. Both try to fulfill each other’s cavity. As writer shadowing heroes in the book, that reaches to reader’s heart.
That gives birth to a sensible content. And, always a good reader makes a good writer. People can flop the film or they can super-hit. Same scenario applicable to writers. The audience makes Hero.
And here is our heroes. They have proven themselves, they are chosen by readers, they are MB Superheroes.