Winners of National Story Competition April 2018

Hello to all Pen Warriors, Here is the result declaration of National Story competition April 2018. “Untold War Stories”: The theme of story competition of Apr ’18. This competition was remain very special for us. We never predict that writers would take much interest in research work. Also, theme was different too. Generally, people can’t take much interest in newer ideas. They don’t involve easily & switch their forte. But, what we have seen! We got at least 5-6 times higher entries for this

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Writing Competition : Untold War Stories – April 2018

Matrubharti presents, National writing Competition – April 2018.  Competition theme: Untold War Stories *Rules for National writing Competition (April 2018): Submit the war story through your Author panel. (For the new authors: visit register yourself as an Author & get your Author panel. Login to your Author panel & submit the story.) Keep primary heading as ‘Untold War Stories’ & secondary heading should be the name of your war story. A war story should contain minimum 2000 words & maximum word limit is 5000 words. The last date for submission of

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Writing Competition : Letter to your Valentine – February 2018

Matrubharti presents, National writing Competiton – Feb.  Competition theme: Letter to your Valentine *Rules for National writing Competition (February): – Submit the letter through your Author panel. (For the new author: visit register yourself as Author & get your Author panel. Go to your Author panel & publish the story.) – Keep primary heading ‘Letter to your Valentine’ & secondary heading should be the name of your letter. – A letter containing minimum 1000 words should be approved. (Max word limit: 2000

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Tea Break with Author’s @Surat National Book Fair 2018

It was a memorable evening with all authors @Surat National book fair 2018. Matrubharti praises you all writers to attend our ‘Tea break with authors’. We had lots of fun. We talked about stories, topics & much more. How a writer thinks, how they decide plot for a Novel, how they connect with writers, which kind of content they read for particular writing, which writers they like-follow, whom they inspire, what is the connecting point between writer & reader, How

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National Story Competition – January 2018

Rules for National Story Competition (January): Submit your story through your Author panel. (For the new author: visit register yourself as Author & get your Author panel. Go to your Author panel & publish the story.) Keep primary heading ‘National Story Competition-Jan’ & secondary heading should be the name of your story. A story containing minimum 800 words should be approved. (Max word limit: 2000 words) The last date for submission of the story will be 31st January 2018. The announcement of the

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ઉત્તરાયણ: માતૃભારતીનું શાળાના બાળકો તરફ ‘અયન’

Kids with Kites

માતૃભારતી તરફથી ઉત્તરાયણ નિમિત્તે મ્યુનિસિપલ કૉર્પોરેશનની શાળાઓમાં કાઈટ ડિસ્ટ્રીબ્યુશન કરવામાં આવ્યું હતું. લગભગ દસથી વધુ સ્કૂલોમાં આ પ્રવૃત્તિ હાથ ધરવામાં આવી હતી. લગભગ બધા મળીને ચાર-પાંચ હજાર બાળકોને પ્રત્યક્ષ મળવાનું થયું અને તેમના ચહેરા પરનું નિર્દોષ હાસ્ય એ અમારી સફળતા બની. તેમની સાથે બાળક બનીને સમય પસાર કરવાનો આનંદ અવર્ણનીય રહ્યો. હાથમાં પતંગ જોઈને દરેક સ્કૂલમાં એકથી વધુ બાળકો એવા મળ્યા કે જેમણે કહ્યું, “સર! અમને જ આપવાના છો ને પતંગ? આ ચીલ હું ઊડાવીશ. આ વખતે એમ પણ ઘરેથી

Short stories that Inspire: Real Life Heroes

All India Inspirational Story Competition

Short stories have always helped in developing newer and vaster ideas. When you start jotting down your thoughts on paper, stories and instances come to life. Edgar Allan Poe, Haruki Murukami, Stephen King have always been great propagators of the idea of short stories. Sometimes you need to write a detailed account of just one incident, which involves and revolves around a few characters, stories that are created to amplify the impact of this one single incident. These stories commonly

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